SUBLIME is aimed at investigating Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI) propulsive architectures through a high-fidelity numerical study combined with a wind tunnel campaign at transonic speed with the objective of measuring power savings over conventional propulsive configurations (e.g. podded engines) as the engine is fed with a distorted flow.

IVANHOE is aimed at deriving optimal nacelle shapes and installation positions for Ultra-High ByPass Ratio (UHBPR) engines closely coupled with the wing, using innovative multi-point, multi-objective optimization techniques. The optimization results will be verified by means of a comprehensive transonic wind tunnel campaign featuring novel powered nacelles and state-of-the-art measurement techniques.

FLAPSENSE is aimed at designing, manufacturing and flight-testing a contactless measurement system for real-time monitoring of the flapping and lagging motions of the Next Generation Civil Tiltrotor (NGCTR) rotor blades.

NEXTTRIP was focused on the assessment of the aerodynamic configuration of the Next Generation Civil Tiltrotor (NGCTR) empennages through both wind tunnel tests on a large-scale powered model and CFD-based aerodynamic optimization, aimed at enhancing aircraft stability and reducing drag.

The OPTIMOrph project aimed at developing an innovative, integrated aerodynamic/structural optimization methodology applied to morphing wing sections, in which the morphing constraints and capabilities of the selected concepts and materials are inherently included in the design process.

X-Pulse focused on the numerical assessment and optimal design of active flow control technologies (namely, synthetic pulsed jets) applied to engine/wing integration of innovative high-bypass ratio engines. These are significantly larger than conventional engines, and hence cause challenging aerodynamic interference with the wing, especially when flying at low speeds and high incidence angles (take-off and landing).

The main objective of DREAm-TILT was to assess the aerodynamic performance of a series of optimized fuselage components of ERICA civil tiltrotor, both through wind tunnel tests and numerical simulations, and to quantify drag reduction with respect to the starting configuration.

The HEAVYcOPTer project was aimed at improving the engine integration of the AW101 helicopter, by using advanced numerical optimization methodologies to re-design both engine intake and exhaust systems.

CODE-Tilt was focused on the multi-objective aerodynamic design optimization of a number of critical components of the ERICA tiltrotor fuselage, using innovative evolutionary algorithms: in particular, the empennages, the wing/fuselage junction, the landing gear sponson and the nose were re-designed for drag minimization.

TILTOp aimed at developing a methodology to be used for an efficient multi-objective design optimization of the airframe-engine integration in the ERICA tiltrotor nacelle using advanced numerical methodologies. Both the engine intake and exhaust geometries were optimized in order to achieve a significant reduction in the installation losses.